
Percontatio: a searching inquiry on politics, higher education, and other loci of ridicule

Location: Avon Lake, OH, United States

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Does Ahmadinejad have cooties?

Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad are apparently determined to not be anywhere near each other when Bus delivers a speech to the UN on Tuesday. Rumor has it Mahmoud has cooties. I mean, why else would Bush avoid him? Oh, yeah--he's too good to play nice with others.


Monday, September 18, 2006

The Crescent and the Sword

Only days after Pope Benedict created a global fuss by quoting a medieval Byzantine emperor who wrote that Islam was evil because of its reliance on violence and forced conversion, Muslims worldwide are doing their level best to prove the Pope and the Emperor right. Muslims in the West Bank attacked and set fire to churches, an Italian nun was shot in Somalia, and an al-Qaeda-linked group issued a statement saying, "We will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose [the] head tax; then the only thing acceptable is a conversion [to Islam] or [being killed by] the sword." Hmmmm. Actions speak louder than words, fellas, and by your actions, you've just proven the Pope's point.

I'm not saying that Islam is evil; but I will say that any group that attempts to spread its ideology through violence is evil. And that includes the medieval Church and the Crusades, and modern extremist Islam.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Cross and the Crescent

With the furor over Pope Benedict's "anti-Islam" remarks, I thought a few words to the subject would be appropriate. Lord knows, I'm no apologist for the Catholic Church, but in this case, Muslims are just wrong.

First, let's all take a minute and actually read what Benedict said and look at the context. He simply quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor who argued that spreading faith through forced violence is wrong--a position most Muslims around the world who aren't affiliated with al-Qaeda would agree with. But the media just prints a sentence out of context, and the Muslim world assumes that it's all about Christians hating Muslims. I find it ironic that Muslims worldwide (and I of course realize that this is a generalization) are always ready to condemn others who speak a word against Mohammed, and demand apologies from the same, but when a Muslim does something anti-Christian or anti-Jew, they rush to the defense of the offender. Where are the apologies from the Muslim world for 9/11? or 3/11? or for the London subway bombings? Or for the daily suicide attacks in Iraq? Or for the comments of Iranian president Ahmadinejad? Or for the remarks of bin Laden, a-Zawahiri, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and all of those other hate-filled groups?

My advice for the pope: Don't apologize. Don't apologize until the Muslim world as a whole apologizes to the West for its crimes. Hold your ground, because no one who refuses to grant civil rights to others deserve them for themselves.

My advice to the Muslim world: Either treat others as you want to be treated (gee, where'd that thought come from?) or shut the hell up. Most of the Muslim world has less credibility right now than George Bush does.

I still hope for a world in which everyone can live in peace, but as long as any nation allows hatred to flourish, there will be strife.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"A good southern movie"

Toby Keith was on the Colbert Report last night promoting his new movie. Actually, it's not a real movie; it's a made-for-TV-by-CMT movie. Keith summarized the movie by saying that it's about a small-town guy who gets a girl pregnant, leaves her, and returns 17 years later after a bunch of local boys are killed in the war. Keith's assessment of this script: "It's a good southern movie." Gee, no wonder people idealize the South. Who wouldn't want to live in a town where premarital sex, spousal abandonment, deadbeat dads, and getting killed in war are all considered "good southern" values?


Monday, September 11, 2006

New Maiden album

I finished listening to the new Iron Maiden album, A Matter of Life and Death, today. I'm really disappointed, to say the least. I posted a review on iTunes, which I usually don't bother to do. I just couldn't bear seeing all of the 4- and 5-star reviews saying things like, "the best Maiden album in a decade" and other drivel. So I gave it 2 stars. My review:

Not Maiden's best effort, despite what all of these apologists say. A Matter of Life and Death is certainly another step down the road of Progressive Rock, which is something that Maiden doesn't do particularly well. This isn't a bad album, but it isn't great, either. Too many of the songs start off with the slow, quiet groove before punching it up, a feature I understand is a favorite of Steve Harris'. Steve--do us a favor--only one slow intro per album, okay? The album is technically well done, although Bruce Dickinson's voice is starting to go. The lyrics aren't particularly interesting, and the halfhearted attempt to drum up interest with the "mystery" of "who is Benjamin Breeg?" just comes off as a desperate cry for attention. Dance of Death wasn't a stunning album, either, but it had 3 or 4 good, strong songs. There really isn't any one new song on this album that stands out. The best song by far is the live version of "Hallowed," and that even pales next to the version on Live After Death. So if you're a die-hard Maiden fan, download it--you won't be as upset that you spent $9.99 as you would be if you wasted $17 in the stores. If you are new to Maiden, skip this one. It's just not very good.

Steve, Bruce, Adrian, Jannick, Nicko, and Dave: Take a break, guys. Catch your breath, then do some more reading so you can come up with some fresh ideas. I look forward to the next Maiden album like any other fan, but this album is just dull. Better luck next time.

Iron Maiden's new album

I just downloaded Iron Maiden's new album, A Matter of Life and Death, from iTunes. I've only heard a little of it, so I want to reserve judgment until I've heard the whole thing. I'm a bit apprehensive, frankly. I've been a Maiden fan since the early 80s, and I love Maiden's stuff--except for Fear of the Dark and the crap they put out with Blaze Bayley as lead singer (X Factor and Virtual XI). That has to be the single worst decision the band ever made. But from what I've heard so far, they're sounding a bit tired on this album. As I said, though--reserving judgment for now. I wasn't too keen on their last album, Dance of Death, when I first heard clips from it, but while I still don't think it's their best effort, I recognize that it has 3-4 really good songs on it, and a few more decent ones.


Atlantis ascendant

Well, Atlantis thankfully made it to orbit with no problems and no damage (another bullet dodged) and she's now on her way to the ISS. Here's hoping for a continued safe mission.

Watching VH1's Most Metal Moments. God, I miss those days. Long hair, loud guitars, and big-hair metal chicks. Ahhhh...those were the days. Of course, I now complain that the neighbors play their music too damn loud when they're washing the car, so I guess I've grown up and grown old.

Gotta get some sleep...I'm getting up in a few hours to watch Atlantis dock with the ISS on NASA TV. Yeah, I know--I'm a nerd.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Atlantis launch scrubbed

NASA has scrubbed the launch for a one day because of the faulty fuel sensor, but while they say things like this:
“We had a lot discussion…and we follow the rules,” NASA launch director Michael Leinbach told Jett, adding that the scrub falls in line with shuttle flight restrictions.

They make decisions like this:
If all four sensors work fine, or if the problem occurs exactly as seen today, Atlantis could launch on Saturday, NASA spokesperson June Malone told

So in other words, if it mysteriously starts working, they'll launch. If it doesn't work, they'll launch. NASA has been having problems with these sensors for years--why in the hell don't they just redesign it or get them from a different manufacturer? They've had time. But instead, they'll just cross their fingers and hope.

I've always said--even after Challenger and Columbia--that I'd fly on a shuttle on a moment's notice. But after watching how NASA is handling this flight, it's clear to me that they're back to being more concerned about schedules than safety. And part of the problem is Bush's arbitrary 2010 deadline to retire the fleet. Let's forget the deadline, finish the station, and when it's done, retire the shuttles. I guess that's just too logical for politicians and administrators to understand.

Boycott Windows Vista?

Here's one of the more sensible articles I've read on the upcoming release of Windows Vista. In short, Vista is a "pointless" upgrade. I tend to agree. We're promised better security, but when Microsoft let hackers have a crack at it, they got in almost immediately. If you read the reviews of the current Release Candidate 1, the only two things that are universally mentioned are the security and the "new look," mostly the Aero graphics and the 3D windows. So we've been waiting five years and we're going to get...what? A prettier desktop? Meanwhile, Mac OS X has gone through about five versions and Linux keeps getting better.

I'm going to buy a new computer in the next month or so, and yes, I'm getting a PC. I'm not impressed with Macs--my wife has a Mac laptop for work, and I don't like the user interface. Here's a thought for Apple execs: Give us the option of having the Mac OS look like Windows. Make it easy on us to switch. And for frak's sake, go to a two-button mouse with a scroll wheel! How Macs can have an advanced operating system and still use 1993-era mice is beyond me.

But I'm buying a PC this time, and I'm going to hurry and do it before Vista is released. I'm more comfortable with a well-patched Windows XP than I am with what is sure to be a bug-ridden, vulnerable Vista.

NASA still hasn't learned

I see that NASA is going to try to launch Atlantis on Friday morning over the objections of their own safety teams and the manufacturer of a faulty fuel cell. Launch regulations are supposed to prohibit launching without all three fuel cells operational. Hey, NASA--remember the Challenger? Geesh, what's NASA's motto, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, want a job at NASA?"

I see they've also got a faulty fuel level sensor--the same problem they've had in the past and chose to ignore. From

NASA Eyes Fuel Tank Sensor Glitch for Shuttle Launch
8 September 2006 5:23 a.m. EDT

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA engineers have spotted a problem with one of four engine cutoff sensors inside the liquid hydrogen portion of the space shuttle Atlantis’ external tank.

NASA spokesperson Bruce Buckingham said shuttle officials agreed to press forward with fueling Atlantis for today’s planned 11:40:32 a.m. EDT (1540:32 GMT) launch as troubleshooting efforts continue.

Engine cutoff sensors (ECO) are used as a sort of shuttle fuel gauge to measure the amount of propellant remaining inside Atlantis’ external tank during flight. They are designed to automatically shut down a shuttle’s three main engines if the level of liquid hydrogen or liquid oxygen is close to running out, since firing the engines without propellant could cause serious damage to the orbiter.

Buckingham said the sensor in question is ECO 3 in Atlantis’ liquid hydrogen tank.

The sensor is reading ‘wet’ – meaning it is submerged in liquid hydrogen – instead of ‘dry’ – which flight controllers direct the sensor to indicate in a standard preflight check.

NASA has had seen ECO glitches in the past – most recently with the STS-114 mission in 2005, when an ECO sensor failed during a routine tanking test to ensure it was operating properly.

This is shaping up to be a dangerous flight.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Made my day

I was having a rotten day today, between some issues at work and some other personal hassles, until one of my former students dropped by and gave me a book. She even wrote a very moving note in the front. That's the first time a former student ever gave me a present. It really made my day. It's nice to feel like you've made a difference in someone's life.

Does Congress really have nothing better to do?

With two weeks left in the session, Congress is wasting their time on more pointless legislation. This time, they're voting on a bill to shut down three foreign-owned horse slaughterhouses, egged on by, among others, Bo Derek.


Sigh...I hope the whole lot of 'em lose this November. I don't care if you're an elephant or a donkey, if this is the best you can do, we're in deep trouble.

Maybe I can go back to Ireland for the next few decades. Any Irish want to offer me a job?

More academic idiocy

Another email from the department, this time criticizing something in my syllabus that hasn't changed in four years, and that was perfectly fine the last three and a half. I'm getting really sick and tired of this crap. They must just be on some kind of ego trip now. There's no sense in this at all. I'm so disillusioned. Intelligent people should be above this kind of nonsense. Of course, I've accused them in the past of being more concerned with their own pet theories than with the realities of higher education, and every time something like this happens, it just solidifies my conviction. I used to like this university--but it's going downhill fast.

Bush admits CIA prisons' existence

Bush has now finally admitted that the CIA operated secret prisons in foreign countries, outside the jurisdiction and oversight of American courts. But of course, he only did so after such prisons became public knowledge, both here in the States through the work of the Washington Post and overseas, where the knowledge caused quite a scandal. He also claims that he does not condone torture, but admits that he authorized--with the cooperation of the Department of Justice--"an alternative set of procedures" when suspects refused to talk. Let's not forget that Bush also insisted that "enemy combatant"--a term his administration invented out of thin air--was legal until the Supreme Court--bolstered by two of his own appointees--struck it down. I have never seen any lawmaker or politician so willing--eager, even--to ignore or break the laws of the land. Even Nixon (coincidentally? another Republican) never went so far.

To Bush's defenders--I know some of you think that he should be doing whatever he can to protect the American people. But what good is protection if he's stripping away everything he's supposed to be protecting? The GOP railroaded Clinton for having an extramarital affair, and yet they support clear violations of the Constitution on a daily basis? Someone please explain to me how that isn't hypocrisy in the worst way! They insult the New York Times every chance they get, but conveniently forget how Fox News' Geraldo Rivera gave away US troop movements on global TV during the Iraq invasion. So questioning policy is treason, but telling the enemy where our troops are isn't? Bush lost his rational credibility a long time ago, and with every new revelation about how his administration tries to sidestep the law, he's losing more and more moral credibility.

It's a shame.

Grades and Tribulations

Got an email a while back from a certain administrator in the department. Seems there was a problem with the way I do grades. The problem is, I want to be fair. They want to do everything they can to inflate grades in order to boost their popularity numbers and make themselves look good. I used to be under the impression that most university administrators, especially those who used to be professors and teachers themselves, were supposed to be against such dishonest practices. Apparently, I'm in the minority--people who actually put integrity over self-promotion. And of course, I can't actually argue because my contract is semester-to-semester, and I'm not at all convinced that they aren't so petty as to not renew it. After all, they've done it in the past. Anyone who publicly disagrees with their policies finds themselves sans job. And people think college professors are all liberal and above such things. HA!